Pre-conference HealthWISE workshop

21 October 2019 from 9:00 to 16:00 at Grand Elysée Hotel Hamburg

Join international experts with experience implementing HealthWISE

  • Learn about HealthWISE and how to recognize and address some common work-related hazards
  • Participate in interactive and practical sessions focused on specific modules
  • Discuss and plan simple, low-cost ways to improve your work environment
The workshop will be facilitated by
Simphiwe Mabhele, International Labour Organization, South Africa
Elizabeth Wilcox, University of British Columbia, Canada
Muzimkhulu Zungu, National Institute for Occupational Health, South Africa

Registration fees: 100 Euro. The fees cover drinks, coffee, snacks and lunch as well as the participation fee.

The number of participants is limited to 40. Reservations are given on a first come first serve basis.


11th International Joint Conference on Occupational Health for Health Workers
“Global Shortage of Health Workers”
22 to 24 October 2019
Hamburg, Germany


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